The Big Friendly Giant
January 17-19th and 24-26th
At the Norway Fine Arts Center
This stage adaptation of Roald Dahl’s classic book about the 24-feet-tall Big Friendly Giant and a little orphan called Sophie brings some of Dahl’s most memorable characters to life.
The BFG and Sophie team up to save the children of England from the child-eating giants Bloodbottler, Fleshlumpeater, Bonecruncher, Meatdripper, Childchewer, Gizzardgulper, and Butcher Boy. They are assisted by the Queen of England and the Heads of the Army and Air Force.
Audiences will enjoy this weird and wonderful tale of justice, teamwork, friendship, and dreaming big.
$13 online & at the door
Tickets are available at the door.
A Comedy Directed By: Stacy Harrison
Assistant Director: Marti Nord
Adapted for the stage by David Wood
From the book by Roald Dahl
300 Section Street
Norway MI 49870